Sunday, October 26, 2008

PSP got internet!!! using psp for internet..hahaa..long time no blog..xD...quite hard to type..tolong..yerterday folo my father go his friend open house..XD..there got 1 maDDog want fooD from me..Lol..scared HIm off then want coMe chase ppl..attitude almost same like siaozabo...aahh!!psp hard to type ..habis..hahaa

Friday, October 3, 2008

waa..finally reach home from camp!!syok..
go there sit in car for like 12hours..LOL.buntut juga ada cactus.XDD
reach there jor hot like oven..then go sleep in car until 5..
after go fish but no fish makan bait..hahaa..then follow my father go find fish..
find find no fish untill got few tree got tajam tajam thing kene legg..LOL..blood come out hahaa..
aiyaa..go sleep again until 9sumthing then go eat hahaa...after eat go sleep..XP..

second day wake up at 12.48..late rite??after that go river mandi manda hahaa..
then go fish..sit there liike 4hours to 5hours then only kena 2 fish..useless summore kena sunburn..damn pain but no ubat..XP
then sien jor no phone line then go makan biscuit.. hahaa..then sit boat go find fish but got 1 shuii yuu..apa tu??LOL..haiz..there damn sien nth do except fish...there no fish summore sian tou boleh pengsan..hahaa..then night time nth do go sleep..LOL...summore my wacth hilang jorr..worth 900..then kena my father scold untill like duck only arr..there quack quack..LOL..


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

'dont 'toupaii' ppl

u relli siaozabo..LOL
go toupaii ppl hahaa..
siao siao siao siao!!!!
tuition also kena tumbuk macam pork chop..LOL
tmr tmr no post..hahaa
going camp..
u siaozabo next week tuition hendak belasah u!!XD..u good student i vomit..hahaa

Monday, September 29, 2008


sms 1 siaozabo...!!XD
eh siaozabo dun bully me list..1st.lauyingying..2nd,
nth do for today..sleep wake sleep wake eat..